Sunday 28 November 2010


This post is about one of my YouTube videos:

I promised you a video, and I'm pleased I managed to deliver this week! I worked on some domino toppling but I wasn't pleased with the end result, therefore didn't want to upload it. I had the idea for this about a week ago and managed to realise it in animation form in one day which has to be a record for me.

I'm thinking of doing a longer version, that's planned more, flows more smoothly and has a full track of clinking, clicking sound effects to give it a more real edge. As I wanted to get this uploaded as soon as possible, I left out an audio track - I hope you'll forgive me ;)

I also really like the white background, which somehow manages to capture what I love about computer animation, possibly because I'm a massive Pixar fan, and their logo is animated on a white background.

Before you ask, yes, it's inspired by the Honda - "Isn't it nice when everything just works?" ad. Also, it's partly to raise awareness of this blog, as my clone-style video-blogging wasn't very good.

Comment if you have any ideas, suggestions, criticisms or just want to say hello. :)
Thanks for reading this.

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