Tuesday 23 November 2010

Entering the World of Play

So today, the head of my sixth-form asked me for my estimated A-Level grades, my AS-Level grades and what I planned to do next year; Whether I was going to university - I told her my decision not to go to university and her reply made me panic a bit:

"Okay, so you're entering the world of work next year."

I was like what?! That makes it sound a bit serious - and okay, I know you have to get your act together with getting a job, but that made the image of me in a horrible grey business suit walking through London Waterloo station spring to mind.

If I get a job doing what I really enjoy (and I've just finished a great book which gives good, practical advice on how to do just that) then it won't ever feel like work; It'll feel like playing.

So, Miss Rook, if ever you read this: I'm never entering the world of work. I'm going to earn my living by playing. Thanks for the football table in the social though.

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